Monday, October 24, 2011

Training Week in Review

Although technically I'm supposed to be tapering, I've increased some activities before my first marathon. I've cut my runs to only 2 days per week and distance has been decreased significantly. I got back into swimming 2 days per week and weight training. With just 2 weeks of lifting weights, I'm already feeling a bit stronger and can tell I'm toning up some areas that really needed to be toned up. I did my first ride since Augusta 70.3. It was a chilly morning of 40ยบ, but it was not a hard ride. I didn't even bother to take any nutrition, just water.

I've got 5 days before my marathon. I'll definitely take it easier this week. No weights (well, maybe just upper body). Some easy swim and easy spin. I'm going try and keep my legs fresh for Sunday.

Date Day Activity
10/17/11 Monday Swim - 2200 Yards
10/18/11 Tuesday Rest
10/19/11 Wednesday Cycle - Spin
Weights - Legs
10/20/11 Thursday Cycle - Spin
Weights - Upper Body
Swim - 800 Meters
10/21/11 Friday Rest
10/22/11 Saturday Bike - 1.5 hours
10/23/11 Sunday Run - 6 miles

Monday, October 17, 2011

Training Week in Review

Still taking it easy on the run, but less knee pain, which means IT Band is getting better. At least I can run without having to stop. This week I double up on spin class since it's now being offered twice a week. I'm also getting back into weight training. I'm hoping by working out my legs, it'll help strengthen my legs and glutes and alleviate the ITB issues.

I ran 10 miles on Sunday at my marathon pace, about 8:40, which should put me at about a 3:50 marathon. My goal is to finish under 4 hours, so this gives me about 10 minutes of wiggle room. Pace felt good and I think I could go faster. My legs were still sore from lifting weights. If I had fresh legs, I think I could've gone faster. Right now my plan is to run 8:40 for 18 miles. Hopefully, I'll have enough in me to pick up the pace and either maintain an 8:40 pace or better on the hills.

Date Day Activity
10/10/11 Monday Swim - 2200 Yards
10/11/11 Tuesday Rest
10/12/11 Wednesday Cycle - Spin
Weights - Upper Body
10/13/11 Thursday Cycle - Spin
Weights - Legs
10/14/11 Friday Run - 7 Miles
10/15/11 Saturday Rest
10/16/11 Sunday Run - 10 Miles

Training Week in Review

Been taking it easy since Augusta. No cycling only spin class. I've only been running 2 days a week. I've had some IT Band issues and have tried not to aggravate it any further. I ran 20 miles this week for my long run with the Atlanta Track Club Nike Pace Team. This covered about 80% of the Atlanta Marathon course. I felt pretty good and still had some knee pain due to the ITB issue, but I stretched at each water stop. I felt strong through out the majority of the run. It was on the last 2.5 miles that I started to slow down. Probably because that's where all the hills are. The pace leader mentioned that the last 6 miles are the toughest due to all the hills. I'll need to reevaluate my strategy for race day. I'm going to have to conserve some of my energy for those last 6 miles. I also haven't been taking in any nutrition on these long runs. I've only been drinking Gatorade. I'm going to need 3-4 gels if I'm going to have a good performance for my first full marathon.

Date Day Activity
10/03/11 Monday Rest
10/04/11 Tuesday Rest
10/05/11 Wednesday Cycle - Spin
Swim - 500 Meters
10/06/11 Thursday Run - 7 Miles
10/07/11 Friday Rest
10/08/11 Saturday Run -20 Miles
10/09/11 Sunday Rest

Friday, October 7, 2011

Augusta Half Ironman

Augusta 70.3 - Half Ironman Triathlon
Date of Race: 09/25/2011
Total Race Time = 5h 42m 48s
Overall Place = 967/3180
Age Group = Male 40-44
Age Group Place = 167/504

It took me a bit longer to write this up than expected. Actually, I wrote it up about a week ago and posted it on our club forum, but I also wanted to include some photos from the weekend. I finally got around to downloading them off my phone. It's a long race report and I'm trying to keep it to the most important details, but you may still need to grab a beverage as you read through. I'm hoping the photos help break up the page and provide some visuals from the weekend.

This race sold out a couple weeks before the event. It's the first time it sold out (only one other 70.3 has sold out) and we were informed that with almost 3200 athletes, it was the largest Half Ironman!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Training Week In Review

It's been a recovery week and it was much needed. Although tri season is over, I signed up for my next race. I'm doing my first full marathon on October 30. I'll be spending more time running and less on the bike. I'll still get some swimming in during the week.

The 21 mile run was cut short due to some knee pain that may be IT Band related. I've been stretching it out over the last couple of days. It's feeling much better. I also picked up a new pair of running shoes today. Typically when my shoes become worn out, I'll experience some pain. My K-Swiss Blade Lights have 320 miles on them, so it was definitely time for a new pair. I searched several stores and no one really carries K-Swiss. I headed up to All3Sports and they carry K-Swiss but were out of my size in the Blade Lights. I ended getting the Blade Light Kwicky. I hope they're just as good or better than the Blade Lights. I'll know in a couple days when I go for my run.

Date Day Activity
09/26/11 Monday Rest
09/27/11 Tuesday Rest
09/28/11 Wednesday Cycle - Spin
Swim - 1000 Meters
09/29/11 Thursday Run - 7 Miles
09/30/11 Friday Rest
10/01/11 Saturday Run - 19 Miles
10/02/11 Sunday Rest

I'll get around to the race report this week as well. It's written up, but I haven't downloaded pictures that I took from that weekend. My race reports are a bit long, so I like breaking them up with some photos.