Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Week #9

Still not feeling great this week, but slightly better than last week. Head cold is gone and all that remains is a cough and some congestion. I was able to make it to swim practice. I didn't push myself like I normally do. My goal was to just get back in the pool and work on technique. I was afraid that if I pushed hard that I would fade quickly or relapse.

I made the Tuesday night group run. We moved locations and used a new course. I liked the course and some of it is familiar from other runs we've done in the past. It started raining a bit, but it wasn't too bad. About halfway through it started pouring. I wanted to get the run over with and picked up the pace. I didn't get lost, but had to stop and regroup to find the way back. My lack of running over the last couple weeks made my calves sore the next couple of days. I hadn't gotten that sore since I first started training for my half marathon 2 years ago. I decided to take the rest of the week to recover. I've been getting healthier, but not as fast as I would have liked.

Date Day Activity
02/27/12 Monday Swim - 2600 Yards
02/28/12 Tuesday Run - 7 Miles
02/29/12 Wednesday Rest
03/01/12 Thursday Rest
03/02/12 Friday Rest
03/03/12 Saturday Rest
03/04/12 Sunday Rest

Week #8

This week completely sucked. I got back from Mexico and had a photo shoot on Wednesday. I was already feeling the effects of a head cold and a sore throat. I decided to get rest and not do any workouts. I thought that maybe I'd been doing too much lately and this was my body telling me to slow down.

I was disappointed be I wanted to race the Charles Harris 10k on Saturday. I've done this race for the last 3 years. It's a fast course since it's primarily downhill most of the way. Oh well. The body needs rest right? At least I'm not putting on any weight this week while I did no physical activity. I actually lost 2 pounds. I'm hoping it's not muscle that I lost. I've made some improvement over the winter and I don't want to loose any of it.

Date Day Activity
02/20/12 Monday Rest
02/21/12 Tuesday Rest
02/22/12 Wednesday Rest
02/23/12 Thursday Rest
02/24/12 Friday Rest
02/25/12 Saturday Rest
02/26/12 Sunday Rest

Week #7

Not much of a training week. It's been difficult to get in as much training as I used to. Having started a new job recently, I'm still trying to figure out a schedule that will provide me with some time for training.

This week I had to get ready for my trip to Mexico. I had to pick up rental gear for the wedding I was shooting in Mexico and pack what I needed for the trip. I traveled on Friday, so no training on that day. Luckily I was able to get up early on Saturday & Sunday to get a run in.

I ventured out on my own on Saturday and mapped out a 6 mile course. We were staying at an all inclusive resort off the main highway in what may have been a natural preserve. I was told that gators were known for being on the road. As I ran I made sure to scan the sides of the road just to make sure I wasn't going to be food for some reptile.  Sunday was a group run. We gather 6 of our friends for a run. Neither day was what I would call a good run. Even though we started at 7:30 in the morning, it was already hot and humid. We got a little shade going out, but it was all gone on the way back. This winter has been mild in Atlanta, but I am not conditioned to be running in the heat & humidity and I felt it on both days.

Date Day Activity
02/13/12 Monday Rest
02/14/12 Tuesday Rest
02/15/12 Wednesday Rest
02/16/12 Thursday Rest
02/17/12 Friday Rest
02/18/12 Saturday Run - 6 Miles
02/19/12 Sunday Run - 6 Miles

The wedding was great and I had a really good time. I wish I had stayed a couple extra days to soak in the  sun and even get a swim in. The food was pretty good and there was plenty of it. I was good and made sure I had plenty of fruit & veggies and I never over indulged. I was able to maintain my weight when it could have been easy to put on a few pounds with all the free food and booze.