Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Week #9

Still not feeling great this week, but slightly better than last week. Head cold is gone and all that remains is a cough and some congestion. I was able to make it to swim practice. I didn't push myself like I normally do. My goal was to just get back in the pool and work on technique. I was afraid that if I pushed hard that I would fade quickly or relapse.

I made the Tuesday night group run. We moved locations and used a new course. I liked the course and some of it is familiar from other runs we've done in the past. It started raining a bit, but it wasn't too bad. About halfway through it started pouring. I wanted to get the run over with and picked up the pace. I didn't get lost, but had to stop and regroup to find the way back. My lack of running over the last couple weeks made my calves sore the next couple of days. I hadn't gotten that sore since I first started training for my half marathon 2 years ago. I decided to take the rest of the week to recover. I've been getting healthier, but not as fast as I would have liked.

Date Day Activity
02/27/12 Monday Swim - 2600 Yards
02/28/12 Tuesday Run - 7 Miles
02/29/12 Wednesday Rest
03/01/12 Thursday Rest
03/02/12 Friday Rest
03/03/12 Saturday Rest
03/04/12 Sunday Rest

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