Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Training Week In Review

This was a real easy week. It was a recovery week in my 70.3 plan and it was also a taper week for my sprint race on Saturday. Swim workout was a tough one. All I remember after warming up was doing 10 x 100 yard sprints for time. I lead my lane and didn't think I would be able to hold that pace for all 10 sets. I was able to hold a 1:45 pace for the first 5 and then slowly dropped to 1:50-1:55. Coach actually called me out for hanging on the wall a bit and not doing quick turns. Wednesday's swim was more focused on technique and sighting.

Date Day Activity
08/15/11 Monday Swim - 2200 Yards
08/16/11 Tuesday Rest
08/17/11 Wednesday Swim - 1500 Meters
Spin - 1 hour
08/18/11 Thursday Rest
08/19/11 Friday Rest
08/20/11 Saturday Race - Tri Peachtree City Sprint
08/21/11 Sunday Rest

Had a great race and PR on the course. I still need to write up a race report and that's coming up next.

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