Monday, April 25, 2011

Training Week in Review

Started the week with a high milage ride before starting to taper for Gulf Coast. I started my ride pushing myself since I felt really good. However, I started to pay for it as I started to bonk a little bit. After 35 miles, my legs started to slow down and then it became a mental game. I knew I could finish the first loop, but I needed to take in more calories and fuel up. I slowed the pace and finished the loop. I started to consider not riding the second loop, but I knew I couldn't just give up. I decided to ride it at a more moderate pace and continue taking in calories. That plan worked really well because I was able to pick the pace back up for the last 14 miles and got a 30 minute brick in. Of course the run started slow, but I was picking up speed and feeling pretty good by the end of the 30 minutes. I'm glad I pushed the first loop because it gave me some perspective on what not to do on race day. It also allowed me to deal with overcoming the mental part of it. Sometimes the mind tells you to quit and that can really affect the outcome of your race and performance. I played the mental game, continued to push and was able to come out of it feeling pretty good.

The rest of the week was easier as I go into a 2 week taper. I also did a Bike LT test. I pushed hard since I had problems during the previous test. This time I was more consistent from the start and was back at a 164 Functional Threshold.  I also did a 3000 meter swim because I feel I need to get comfortable swimming that kind of distance as well as to know what it's  like to feel tired and still swim with proper form. Since I missed last weeks open water swim, I joined in on an informal group swim on Saturday. Water felt a little bit colder than last time. As I started out I didn't feel quite as comfortable in the wetsuit. I felt like it was rubbing the back of my neck. After a quick adjustment it went better. The more I swam the better I felt and more efficient I seemed in the water. We simulated a couple group starts and I was able to catch up and pass a few individuals and that gave me more confidence.

Date Day Activity
04/17/11 Sunday 80 Mile Bike
30 Minute Brik
04/18/11 Monday 2200 Meter Swim
04/19/11 Tuesday 7.1 Mile Run
04/20/11 Wednesday 1 Hour Spin Class - LT Test
04/21/11 Thursday Rest
04/22/11 Friday 3000 Meter Swim
04/23/11 Saturday 8 Mile Run
2000 Meter Open Water Swim

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