Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Training Week in Review

Since I don't have any target race in the near future, I'm just maintaining my base level for a HIM. Hopefully gaining some speed and strength. I'll most likely do Augusta 70.3, so if I can keep doing mid to high milage, when it's time for me to ramp up, I'll be ready. It funny to think that I now consider my 7 mile runs as short when a couple of years ago, 5 would have been long. Saturday was a great day. I got a 9 mile ride in, then did some mountain biking (which I haven't done in 8 months) and then meet our club for an open water swim followed by a cookout. I was wiped. I also got a great ride in on Sunday doing 52 miles. I really pushed those hills. I concentrated on power and cadence to push the pace, but never really felt fatigued during the first 31 miles. The last 10 were more of a easy pace to spin out the legs, which is kind of what I want to do during a HIM. Nutrition is going well. I've been experimenting with the amount of calories I take in. Currently I'm taking in about 200 calories per hour. I should probably be closer to 250. I've got a century ride coming up in a couple weeks and that will be a great opportunity to really test things out.

Date Day Activity
05/23/11 Monday Swim - 2050 Yards
05/24/11 Tuesday Run - 7 Miles
05/25/11 Wednesday Spin Class - 1 Hour
05/26/11 Thursday Bike - Cancelled T-Storms
05/27/11 Friday Rest
05/28/11 Saturday Run - 9 Miles
Bike - 12 Miles Mt. Bike
1500 Meters - OWS
05/29/11 Sunday Bike - 52 Miles

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